At long last, very long last, it seems that the cold winter has left central Missouri and spring is on its way.

This morning I awoke after eight, only it was really after nine. Today the clock is one hour ahead of where it was this time yesterday. In less than two weeks, spring will be officially here.

Today the winds are blowing rather strong, making the sunshine a bit harder to enjoy. But even from indoors I can appreciate the bright sunshine. This time of day the light through the windows could be early morning light or late afternoon rays, either way, the warm sunshine is a welcome change.

It's a good reminder to stop and enjoy the time right here in front of us. Goals are terrific. I have a number of them. But future aspirations should never come at the expense of today. Not being morbid here or anything, there will be a point in each life where the tomorrows have run out and we are only left with the here and now, for as long as that lasts. The hardest part of it is, we never, ever know when that will be.

I share a number of cabins and even vintage trailers on social media. I have a thing for both, and twice a year my best friend and I escape to a cabin or a tiny home of some kind for a weekend of recharging, fun, and writing time. I've enjoyed our weekends for years, and the coming weekend happens to be another one, and I always think about the little cabins when I return home.

But the thing with getaways is that while you escape to unwind and relax, it's important to find peace where you are every day, and not just once every six months.

Image credit: Michael Schwarzenberger


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